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Type 2 Diabetes – Five Healthy Sugar Swaps That Help Fight Diabetes!

Eating wisely is one of the most potent ways to fight against the effects of Type 2 diabetes. Both what you eat and how much you eat. Do you know saturated fats and refined sugar make up about a quarter of the average person’s caloric diet? Sugar is found in everything, and unfortunately, if we are not careful about the foods we consume, we can wind up adding excessive amounts of refined sugar to our diet. Foods like yogurt and even salad dressing, usually deemed as “health foods,” are often notorious for containing added sugar. However, there are ways you can avoid adding these foods to your diet by making your recipes at home, and by using healthy sugar swaps to sweeten your recipes. Let us take a look at five healthy sugar swaps you can use in healthy baking and to sweeten things like your morning cup of coffee or your morning bowl of oatmeal.

Type 2 Diabetes – Diabetes Medications and Their Effect on Blood Fat Levels

Researchers at Shiga University of Medical Science in Shiga Prefecture, Japan, found taking metformin before meals helped to reduce the rise in blood fat levels seen after meals in eleven participants who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Their study was reported on in January of 2019 in the Journal of Diabetes Investigation. Metformin is the first drug of choice prescribed for managing Type 2 diabetes. The average body mass index (BMI) of the participants was about 28 kg/meter squared, or overweight but not obese. When they were given metformin before a meal their blood triglycerides, a type of fat, rose less than it did when the medication was given after their meal.

Type 2 Diabetes – The Five Most Damaging Refined Carbohydrates

The bulk of carbohydrate foods consumed today are highly refined and processed. Most of it is simple sugar, but not just table sugar; corn syrup, sweet drinks and different types of candy. Usually, the nutrients and fiber have also been stripped away. Not all carbohydrates are bad for you, but the following are classed as being the worst of the worst.

Type 2 Diabetes – My Story

Type 2 diabetes affect is pandemic that affect over 450 million people worldwide. World Health Organization has issued a mandate asking all nations to bring diabetes under control. I am sharing my story to health other type 2 diabetic regain their good health back

Type 2 Diabetes – Is A Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy Connected to Gestational Diabetes?

In a study carried out recently at Hacettepe University and several other research institutions in Turkey and Cyprus, lower vitamin D levels during the second three months of pregnancy were linked with the risk of Gestational diabetes which is also referred to as pregnancy-related diabetes. The research was reported on in January of 2019 in the journal Gynecological Endocrinology. The investigators included 40 women diagnosed with Gestational diabetes and 40 healthy women during their second trimesters.

Type 2 Diabetes – 3 Tips to Help You Manage Your Blood Sugar Without Drugs

According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC)’s National Diabetes Statistics Report 2017, over 100 million people in America have Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. The report also states at least two in every five adult Americans will have Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. With such startling statistics, it comes as no surprise a vast number of people are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes every year. The most shocking news for most people, however, is you may have to be on medications for the rest of your life.

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