Diabetes Management during the Holidays

Type 2 Diabetes – Preventing Health Problems After Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-related diabetes puts women at risk for developing diabetes in the years ahead. Studies show a seven to tenfold elevated risk for Type 2 diabetes within ten years after the pregnant woman gave birth. Scientists at the Queen’s University in Belfast and several other research institutions in Ireland found a formal professional support program helped women with weight loss after having Gestational diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Pledge to Yourself to Eat, Drink and Be Mindful

Sometimes the best way to hold ourselves accountable for making a healthy change is to create a pledge. A “mindful eating pledge” should include the promise to yourself you will make an effort to change one habit you know is holding you back from becoming a healthier person.

Type 2 Diabetes – Feel the Difference When You Commit to Dedicated Exercise

Becoming physically active is a lifestyle choice to help people with Type 2 diabetes lower and control their blood sugar. Physical activity has long been recognized as a key to good health and well-being. But, for the moment, forget everything you have been told about fitness and working out. There is just too much poor information out there, and it is safe to say not everything you know about the topic is correct. We would like to present you with a simple idea. When executed right, it can yield tremendous results.

Type 2 Diabetes – Controlling High Blood Pressure In Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-related diabetes raises the risk of the mother developing high blood pressure (hypertension) during her pregnancy, which can lead to severe complications. Scientists at Ankara University in Turkey and St. George’s University in London, United Kingdom found in the aggregate, studies on the subject show the oral anti-diabetic medication, metformin, can be useful in preventing high blood pressure in Gestationally diabetic women. Their work was reported on in May of 2018 in the medical journal Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Type 2 Diabetes – When Healthy Eating Becomes Obsessive and Unhealthy

Too much of anything can be bad for our body, even if it is a “good thing” like healthy food. But when eating healthily becomes an obsession it can no longer be considered good for you. There is nothing wrong with the desire to eat healthy food as much as possible. But the desire to have the perfect diet is self-destructive. It creates impossible standards, defeats the purpose of healthy eating altogether, and causes your mental health to dive. Obsessions are stressful. They require a lot of upkeep, planning, and habitual tendencies. Not only does stress cause chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, but it can also turn us against the very thing we are obsessing over.

Type 2 Diabetes – Is There A Connection Between ADHD and Diabetes?

ADHD is a term used to describe a neurodevelopment disorder where there is a persistent and recognized pattern of behavior. The condition begins at birth and in most cases persists to some degree throughout the person’s lifetime. The disorder includes acting on impulse without thinking about the consequences, having difficulty staying on task, and moving about inappropriately. A person diagnosed with ADHD might continuously interrupt others or feel unable to sit still, fidget, be disorganized, or cannot stick to specific tasks. This is not due to the lack of cooperation or the inability to understand directions.

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