Diabetes Management with Natural Medicine

Type 2 Diabetes – Protecting the Heart and Blood Vessels

Omentin is a small protein recently discovered. This protein is found in fat cells around the heart and other organs, small intestines, the cells lining the heart and other organs, blood vessel cells, some airway cells, the colon, ovaries, and blood. The molecule is anti-inflammatory, and low levels of it have been found in insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – The Top 3 Ways to Easily Remove Added Sugar From Your Diet

Sugar is found in just about everything! It is so hard to pick up any packaged food items and not see some form of hidden sugar listed in the ingredient list. Sugar is also in foods you would never suspect salad dressing, pasta sauce, ketchup, and protein powder. You name it; chances are there is added sugar. Not only that, sugar can be listed on an ingredient list many different ways, so finding the hidden sources can be a bit tricky and can require you to do some detective work.

Type 2 Diabetes – Eating for Health During Pregnancy

In December of 2018, the journal Nutrients reported on a study on the effects of the Mediterranean diet when eaten during pregnancy. The study was carried out at the Hospital of San Carlos and several research facilities in Madrid, Spain. A total of 874 women at 13 weeks of pregnancy were included in the study.

Recent Studies Show Inflammation Leads To Diabetes

When most experts talk about diabetes, they focus mainly on blood sugar level. However, new research shows inflammation plays a major role in diabetes. This article will pinpoint the most important facts about inflammation and its role in the development of diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes – Is Muscle Mass a Factor in Preventing or Controlling Gestational Diabetes?

Physical activity is known to be one way of preventing or controlling Type 2 diabetes and pregnancy-related diabetes which is known as Gestational diabetes. One reason for this could be a protective effect of muscle tissue. Scientists at St. Marianna University in Kawasaki, Japan, found a link between low muscle mass and insulin resistance.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – Why You Need to Invest In Your Health Every Day

Health advice is all around for a good reason. People are pushing their ideas because there is a demand for it. It is more than just interesting material to many people; often it is crucial information we all need to be made aware of. Your health and well-being become a more relevant issue with each passing day. Nobody is getting any younger, and few of us are preparing for being older. You need to invest in your health every single day. A little goes a long way, especially when you consider the benefits you will gain and the health problems you will prevent.

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