Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Is Exercising Necessary for Management of Diabetes?

Exercises are essential to your wellbeing. But, which exercises are suitable for persons with diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes – Air Pollution May Not Just Be Bad For Your Lungs

Although the evidence is limited, air pollution and intestinal bacteria are known to be linked to insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. Scientists at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, United States, found a connection between traffic-related air pollution and intestinal microorganisms. Could this be the way traffic-air pollution raises the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes – Diabetes and Depression in Pregnancy

In December of 2017, the Journal of Psychiatric Research reported on a study showing metabolic problems after having Gestational diabetes in 22 women. Scientists at the University of Munchen in Munich, Germany, found several risk factors for Type 2 diabetes in depressed mothers following Gestational diabetes also referred to as diabetes of pregnancy. Both Gestational diabetes and depression raise the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later.

Type 1 Diabetes: Common Symptoms

Manifestations of type 1 Diabetes usually grow rapidly, from a couple of days to weeks, and are caused by High Blood Sugar. To begin with, symptoms might be neglected or mixed up for another sickness, as the flu. High Blood Sugar Symptoms include: • Urinating a considerable measure, which might be more discernible around evening time.

Type 2 Diabetes – Where Do You Want Your Health to Be One Year From Now?

Exactly one year ago, what was your health status? Were you in good shape? You may not know or remember exactly, but you likely have an idea of where you were. If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, hopefully, you have a record of the results of your medical examinations – you do get regular checkups, right? Otherwise, your best guess should be enough to determine where your health stood. How about now? How does your health compare today to your well-being one year ago?

To Eat Whole Fruits or Drink the Fruit Juices – The Mind-Numbing Question

Drinking fruit juice is refreshing. But, is it the best option for persons with diabetes?

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