Type 2 Diabetes – Lower Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure Readings Lead To Healthy Thinking
According to several scientists at the Maastricht University Medical Center at the Maastricht University in the Netherlands, controlling Type 2 diabetes and blood pressure can help ward off thinking problems that contribute to complicating the disease. Their study reported on in the journal of the American Diabetes Association, Diabetes Care, in August of 2017, included two thousand five hundred and thirty-one participants, six hundred and sixty-six of which had Type 2 diabetes. The participants with Type 2 diabetes scored a lower level in their mental tests including executive function, attention, and processing speed, than did the nondiabetic participants.
How Diabetics Can Beat Lung CancerThe overall survival rate for lung cancer patients who have type 2 diabetes is much worse than for patients who are not diabetic. A recent study suggests that foods high in plant pigments can reduce the risk of lung cancer. Here’s what you need to eat.
Type 2 Diabetes – Do Bay Leaves Help To Lower Blood Sugar?One of the most effective ways of controlling Type 2 diabetes is to keep your blood sugar levels as even as possible. It is normal for blood sugar levels to rise after a meal or snack, but it is best to keep the spike to a minimum. According to the August 2017 Journal of the American College of Nursing, incorporating some bay leaves into your cookie mixture when baking will help to do this.
Type 2 Diabetes – Does Eating Refined Grains During Pregnancy Lead to Obesity in the Children?In July of 2017, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported on a study conducted at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland and several other research institutions in the United States, Denmark, and Iceland. They looked at the refined grain intake during pregnancy in women who had been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes. They compared those results with the growth in these particular women’s children up to the age of seven years.
Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – The Importance of Eating a Balanced DietEating a balanced diet is a challenge. It is entirely different in theory than in practice: it is easy to imagine yourself eating well and reaping the health benefits. It feels good to visualize the results – a leaner and healthier appearance is always a welcome bonus. Not to mention all the internal changes in your health regardless of the issues you might be facing. A balanced diet is not a solution on its own, but it is a powerful tool with the potential to change a great number of health issues.
Type 2 Diabetes – The Health Benefits to Diabetics of One Particular HerbMany, many people have eaten cilantro, an herb with wide and delicate green leaves and a powerful flavor. The seed of the cilantro is known as coriander. It is traditionally used in cooking and was used as far back as 8,000 years ago. Remnants of the herb dating back to 6,000 BC have been found in an Israeli cave. Cilantro is related to carrots, celery, and parsley. Today it is used mainly for garnishes and salads. According to early research, cilantro might be helpful in preventing several of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes, as well as several other health problem