Type 2 Diabetes – Smoking Is A Health Hazard for Anyone With Diabetes
In August of 2017, the journal Women’s Health reported on a study showing a link between smoking and the presence of Type 2 diabetes in women. Researchers at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Lithuania compared 168 women with new cases of Type 2 diabetes with 336 women without any trace of high blood sugar levels. Compared with the healthy women, the group who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes were 2.8 times more likely to smoke at least ten cigarettes a day.
Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – A Potential Cure for Your Health IssuesIt would be great if there were an all-purpose cure for your health issues. This is what we are going to discuss. But before we get your hopes up let us make this clear: there is no such thing as a single cure for a multitude of health problems. Despite modern advancements in medicine, there is a limit to what we can do. We cannot depend entirely on science when it comes to looking after something as complex as human nature. There is, however, much that can be done. As far as what is possible, some steps and precautions can be taken to reduce the risk of many complications and fix several of the issues already present.
Type 2 Diabetes – Can A Supplement Help Prevent Gestational Diabetes?In 2015 the online medical journal Cochrane reported on a review of studies concerned with the idea of using the pseudovitamin, inositol, to prevent Gestational diabetes. The reviewers concluded the evidence was weak. In July of 2017, scientists at the Madonna delle Grazie Hospital in Matera, Italy, reported on a new study with better news. Their work, published in the European Review of Medical and Pharmacological Science in July of 2017, compared 140 pregnant women with no family history of Type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.
Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Do Not Forget About Nutrition When DietingIt is easy to set your sights on dieting when attempting to make changes to your health. It is also easy to lose focus at some point, which is the reason why many people do not see their weight loss efforts through to their goal. Most of all, however, might be the tendency to overlook the importance of proper nutrition.
Type 2 Diabetes – Breaking Free From DiabetesDoes your Type 2 diabetes have you feeling trapped? Rarely does Type 2 diabetes come on its own, it needs some help. Frustration, depression, and resentment are common feelings in people who have this form of diabetes. Not to mention other more concerning issues, like the presence of the metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of abnormalities including obesity, high blood pressure, high blood triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol, and insulin resistance, which occurs even before diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes – Eat Healthily To Lose Pregnancy Weight After Having Gestational DiabetesIn August of 2017, BioMed Central, an online publisher of scientific journals, reported on a study dealing with losing pregnancy weight after having Gestational or pregnancy induced, diabetes. Workers at the University of Austin in Texas, and Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Northern California, in the United States, found avoiding fried foods was an important way to help lose the fat. They looked at 1035 women aged 20 to 45 years who had been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes during their pregnancy.