How Diabetes Can Damage Your Kidneys (and What You Can Do About It)
Your kidneys contain millions of minute blood vessels that filter waste products from your blood. But diabetes can damage these amazing organs, so they lose their filtering ability. How is kidney disease caused and what can you do to prevent or reverse the damage?
Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Focus on “Good” Calories to Control Your Blood Sugar and WeightThere is such a thing as “good” calories versus “bad” calories. Calories are not created equal – even if a calorie is a calorie, the source they come from provokes different effects. No one can argue calories from a can of soda have the same net effect as calories from a natural fruit juice. It just would not make sense. From a weight loss perspective, it is essential to consider your caloric intake. In this sense, it is vital to manage your input whether it is “good” or “bad” calories. But even then, you ought to focus on the right kind, because it makes a difference.
Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Do Your Eating Habits Change With the Seasons?Changing seasons bring about apparent change. Sometimes it is quick, other times it is gradual, but it never fails to be noticeable. If you live in an area that goes through all four traditional seasons, the effect is even more pronounced. If you do not have a typical winter, odds are you live in an environment that ranges from warm to cool, at the very least at different times of the year. What you may not notice, however, is how your eating habits change according to the season – this is harder to recognize. The move might be subtle, and you could be likely unaware of the differences in your appetite.
Type 2 Diabetes – November Is Diabetes MonthIn the United States and Canada November is diabetes month when healthcare professionals bring attention to and raise awareness about the disease and how it impacts on millions of people. The 14th is World Diabetes Day, declared by the United Nations in 2006. The International Diabetes Federation leads the campaign, and the date commemorates the birthday of Frederick Banting, who, alongside Charles Best, discovered insulin in 1922. The symbol for diabetes is a blue circle, like the pink ribbon for breast cancer, the dark blue ribbon for colon cancer, and the turquoise ribbon for ovarian cancer. Blue was taken from the color of the sky, and the circle stands for unity.
Type 2 Diabetes – The Importance of Maintaining A Healthy Weight for Brain Blood FlowPeople diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are frequently told to follow a weight loss plan and increase their physical activity to help lower body fat and maintain a healthy weight to help keep their blood sugar level in an ideal range. Now, according to the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, an efficient blood flow to the brain is another reason for reducing abdominal fat. Scientists at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem and various other cities in the United States found long-term weight loss in obese or overweight people with Type 2 diabetes, resulted in a more significant blood flow to the brain.
Type 2 Diabetes – Protecting the Liver From ArsenicArsenic alone is toxic, and it becomes more so if it is combined with other molecules. Arsenic trioxide is used for cancer chemotherapy in small doses, but it can damage the liver. Scientists at Zhejiang University School of Medicine and various other research facilities have found how metformin, the first drug of choice for treating Type 2 diabetes, also helps to protect the liver from arsenic trioxide.