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Type 2 Diabetes – Are Your Expectations to Reverse Diabetes Unreasonable?

Much can be said about expectations and their role in your behavior. In the context of health and well-being, it can help you to have expectations but only when they are realistic. If they are unreasonable, you are likely to be misguided or face a bitter reality check that frustrates or completely demoralizes you. If your goal is lowering your blood sugar levels, weight loss, reversing Type 2 diabetes, improving your blood profile, or anything in regards to strengthening your well-being, it is imperative to have reasonable expectations. It is wise not to bite off more than you can chew.

Type 2 Diabetes – The Far-Reaching Consequences of Diabetes and the Heart Disease Risk in Girls

The time to start preparing for a healthy pregnancy is in childhood according to a study reported on in July of 2017 in the Annals of Epidemiology. Scientists at the Tulane University in Louisiana, United States, looked at the childhood measurement of blood pressure, blood fats, cholesterol, insulin, and blood sugar. The researchers compared the childhood measurements with the complications of pregnancy the women suffered during adulthood.

Type 2 Diabetes – Change the Way You Think About Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a malicious disease. You can deny it causes you harm if you like but that will not change its effects. The nature of Type 2 diabetes is to exacerbate and give rise to complications that impede your chances of living a healthy life. Do not take your health for granted. It is not beneficial to your health to wait until a worse situation arises where you are prompted to act. The sooner you decide to put a stop to high and out of control blood sugar, the more favors you will do for yourself in the long run.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Four Vegetables You Cannot Afford To Neglect

Including enough vegetables in your diet plan is an important factor in disease prevention, weight management, and blood sugar control. Yet, many people are falling short on their vegetable choices. Even if they are making an effort to include more, usually this comes in the form of choosing the same vegetables over and over again. By mixing it up, you can ensure you receive optimal nutrition and put your best defense up against disease. Let us look at four delicious vegetables you may be missing out on that should be a part of your regular diet plan.

Type 2 Diabetes – Does Diabetes Affect the Visual Part of Your Brain Before Causing Eye Damage?

Having Type 2 diabetes is known to raise the risk of developing vision loss. Among older people with Type 2 diabetes, between 10 and 20 percent have problems with their eyes, which weaken with age in all people. Approximately 90 percent of diabetics will have some blood vessel changes in their eyes after having diabetes for more than twenty-five years. The loss of vision is caused by retinopathy, a condition in which the back of the eye is damaged. The back of the brain or occiput often shows damage as well. The occipital lobes process information brought from the eye to the brain via the optic nerve. It might be assumed damage to the retina could lead to shrinkage of the occipital lobes (use it or lose it), but now it appears the occiput can sustain diabetic damage even before retinopathy takes place.

Type 2 Diabetes – Be Careful of Your Carbohydrate Choices at Breakfast

Eating wisely is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against Type 2 diabetes. But despite what you may have been told, carbohydrates are not to be avoided altogether. They are not harmful to you by nature. It depends on how you choose to eat them and when. Carbs are a preferred energy source in the body due to efficiency and convenience. Because of glycolysis, it is the most efficient means of extracting energy from a nutrient. In the absence of carbs, our body will convert other nutrients into glucose to compensate: This is known as gluconeogenesis.

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