Type 2 Diabetes – Digestion Time And Diabetes
Essentially everything you eat goes through a similar digestive process. Many people believe digestion begins in the stomach, where there is a physical breakdown of food and gastric acids are added. But it starts from the moment food enters your mouth when you commence chewing, and saliva mixes with your food. Amylase is present in the saliva where it begins the chemical process of digestion – contrary to popular belief digestion does not start lower in the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Amylase has the responsibility of helping your body process carbohydrates into simple sugars.
Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C): A Diabetic Control IndexA patient about to get tested for HbA1c. The test is independent and not affected by factors such as time of test, exercise, meal intake, medication, e.t.c.
Type 2 Diabetes – Is Diabetes Connected to Bone Fractures in Men?According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, published in November 2017, fractures are a danger to older men with Type 2 diabetes. Scientists at Duke University and several other research centers in the United States, found older men with Type 2 diabetes have a 22 percent increased risk of any fracture and a 21 percent higher risk of having a hip fracture. It has been known for some years older women with or without Type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of hip fracture, but knowledge of this type of fracture in men with Type 2 diabetes has not been clear.
Type 2 Diabetes – What Is the Root of Your Health Problem?What would you give to solve your health problems? Sometimes we wish there were something we could exchange for a solution, particularly if an immediate fix were possible. For obvious reasons, this is rarely the case. Nobody can go from being obese to a healthy weight overnight. Even still, a query like “how can I lose 20 pounds in a month” remains a frequently asked question. With that said, there is usually something you can exchange for a solution to a health problem. In most cases, it involves effort and time.
Type 2 Diabetes – Empower Yourself And Change Your HealthIf you have recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you may feel like your head is spinning. The more the doctor tells you, the harder it is to absorb. Chances are your doctor has given you an outline of what you should eat and which foods you need to avoid, has talked to you about setting up appointments to see an endocrinologist, a registered dietitian, a podiatrist, and a diabetes educator, depending on your specific needs. You may be fortunate and not need to take any diabetes medications at this time as research has proven changes in lifestyle – changes that anyone can make – have enormous power to prevent and to help treat Type 2 diabetes.
Stories of Hope: Toddler Reinfused With Own Umbilical Cord Blood in Attempt to Halt Type 1 DiabetesStem cells have been the reason for so many successful clinical trials for decades. It has not only been proven effective for more than 80 diseases and disorders, but it has also been responsible for various miraculous stories.