Type 2 Diabetes – Do You Feel Having Diabetes Is Your Fault?
Guilt is not only uncomfortable but also crippling. If you have strong feelings of guilt, it is going to hurt you one way or another: over the long-term, it can degrade your mental health as it lingers. In some ways, mental health can be considered more precious than even your physical well-being. If you have guilt stemming from a health problem, you need to let it go. Let us talk about how to do this with any guilt you may have surrounding your Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes – Searching for the Root Cause of Gestational DiabetesGestational or pregnancy-related diabetes is much like Type 2 diabetes in that the pregnant woman develops a resistance to insulin. Scientists at King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, linked two molecules to the condition: adiponectin which is involved in insulin sensitivity, and resistin which is also involved in insulin resistance. Resistance to insulin in the body is the cause of both Gestational and Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes – The Best Exercises For Boosting Insulin SensitivityTo help combat Type 2 diabetes, one of the top things you want to be doing is looking to improve your insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity refers to how well your body responds to the carbohydrates you consume. If your body has a healthy sensitivity to insulin, you will move carbohydrates into your muscle cells, helping to build new lean muscle mass and prepare your body for future exercise. Those who have reduced insulin sensitivity, on the other hand, tend to convert the carbs they eat to body fat stores very quickly; this means they usually end up gaining weight because of it.
Type 2 Diabetes – Are You Hungry, or Eating Out of Habit?According to the Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 56% of Americans between the ages of 20 and 74 are overweight, and 30% of that figure are obese. Unfortunately, it has become the norm to be an overweight adult. This is mainly due to a physically inactive lifestyle and overeating. When people with Type 2 diabetes are looked at as a group, more than 80% are overweight. With just a little weight loss blood sugar levels may drop significantly. Weight loss is not an easy thing considering our sedentary lifestyles but physical inactivity is easily fixed.
Self-Esteem: A Booster Dose for Diabetes Self-CareSelf-esteem is a complete realization and expression of your self-worth. It’s how you view yourself and it reflects your own attitude towards others. It can be your “self-image” beliefs, emotional state, and “self-worth” or “self-concept” that mirrors positivism or negativism. The world echos your self-respect and it is vitally important in enhancing your self-care with Diabetes.
14 Weight Loss Tips for Type 2 DiabetesWeight loss is considered to be a hard time unless if you are getting use to the gym life then only a minimal push through is needed for compliance in the program. But if you’re not, or never been to a workout plans in your whole life then you better get some compelling reasons to do so here. Going to the gym for the right ground is not forceful but it’s a graceful move of saying “Yes, I still want to live healthy”, or “Yes, I want to feel great about myself”, in spite of diabetes.