Diabetic Nutrition – Meal Planning In Action

Diabetic nutrition, diet, and weight control are the foundation of diabetes management. The most objective in dietary and nutritional management of diabetes is control of total caloric intake to maintain a reasonable body weight and stabilize the blood glucose level. Success of this alone is often with reversal of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes.

8 Natural Remedies for Diabetic Neuropathy

“Is there a cure for diabetic neuropathy?” Well, until now there is none but the good news is, there are ways to manage it, even delay or lessen its effects and halt its progression. Not all diabetic people have develop neuropathy to some extent, however, majority of diabetic cases were able to live through it. Natural remedies for Diabetic Neuropathy will help you keep the symptoms under control.

Type 2 Diabetes – What Does the Mother Having Gestational Diabetes Mean to the Child Years Later?

According to a study performed at the Laval University in Quebec, Canada, children of Gestational diabetic pregnancies have more belly fat than children from a regular pregnancy. The study was reported on in December of 2017 in the journal Clinical Obesity.

Type 2 Diabetes – Ten Great Weight Loss Foods For Diabetics

If you are dealing with Type 2 diabetes, maintaining a healthy weight should be one of your top priorities. This is a must if you are going to come out ahead in controlling your blood sugar levels and sustaining a healthy body for the years to come. Uncertain of which foods will help you reach your weight loss goals? Let us look at some of the best weight loss foods that are also diabetic-friendly.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – We Are Not Getting Any Younger

This is not going to be a newsflash, but you probably do not think about it enough. You are not getting any younger. Indeed, with each passing day, we are all getting older which means we all have less time to waste. In the grand scheme of things, you could begin to think about what you need to do in this life. What you still want to accomplish, places you want to see, and the people you would like to spend more time with.Think about these things if you like, but don’t forget about your health.

How to Monitor Your Weight (and Why You Should Do So)

You need some fat if you body is to function properly. But too much fat will harm your health. Most diabetics are overweight when they are diagnosed. So you need to monitor your fatness and take corrective action. Here are eight ways you can check your adiposity.

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