Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed with Low Carb Diet

Type 2 Diabetes – Simple Swaps to Help Lower Your Blood Sugar

Are you looking to lower the carbohydrate count in your eating plan? If so, it does not have to be as hard as people tell you it is. You may have heard to lower your carb intake you need to make drastic changes to your food choices: this is not necessarily the case. In fact, often you can reduce high carbohydrate foods without too much effort by making a few swaps here and there.

Type 2 Diabetes – What Raises the Risk of Diabetics Developing Neuropathy?

In February of 2018 the journal of the American Diabetes Society, Diabetes Care, reported on a study showing obesity, low HDL levels, and a molecule called methylglyoxal raise the risk of developing diabetic neuropathy in people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Scientists at Aarhus University in Denmark and several other research facilities in Denmark, Germany, and the United States, watched the progress of many Type 2 diabetics for 13 years. A total of 10 percent of these participants developed neuropathy.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – Challenge Yourself to Make Progress

Without reward, there is little motivation. How could you aspire to achieve something without there being a reward at the end? There is no reason to pursue a goal if it does not bring you some reward or justification for your action. Unless you are doing something out of duty to avoid setbacks, or prevent repercussions, there is no other reason why you should act. If there is something you would like to achieve – like weight loss or improving your health – you need some drive or initiative to compel you to put forth the effort. If Type 2 diabetes is a condition you need to gain control of, it is not enough to just be told you should. You need to know and feel there is something in it for you.

Type 2 Diabetes – People With Diabetes Are At High Risk Of Bone Fracture

People who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are known to have a high risk of bone fracture because their bones often have a condition known as osteoporosis or weak bones. Investigators at the Maccabi Health Services in Tel Aviv and various other research facilities in Israel and the United States found people with Type 2 diabetes run a higher risk of fractures than other individuals who had been diagnosed with osteoporosis. This could be due to blood vessel damage from high levels of blood sugar.

Type 2 Diabetes – Is Smoking Linked to Kidney Disease in Diabetes?

In February of 2018, the journal International Urology and Nephrology reported on a review of the medical literature on cigarette smoking and kidney disease in people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Researchers at Zhengzhou University in China put together nineteen studies and analyzed them as if they were one large study. They found albuminuria, or albumin, a protein in the urine, was linked with cigarette smoking. Albuminuria is one sign of kidney disease.

Type 2 Diabetes – Could A Molecule Found in A Baby’s Pancreas Be Linked With Diabetes In Children?

Children of diabetic pregnancies have a higher-than-average risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than children from a healthy pregnancy. Is this because the babies tend to be overweight or is there something else going on? Scientists at the Research Institute of Human Morphology and the Ministry of Health in Moscow, Russia, might have found the explanation: it has to do with a molecule known as vimentin. Vimentin has been seen in pancreatic cells from adults with diabetes. Could it be the link between Gestational or pregnancy-related diabetes, and childhood Type 2 diabetes?

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