Type 2 Diabetes – Having Had Gestational Diabetes Raises Risk for Certain Cancers
Scientists at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University in Taiwan found a higher-than-average risk of particular cancers in women with a history of Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-related diabetes. Their study was published in February of 2019 in the British Medical Journal. A total of 47,373 women with Gestational diabetes and 943,199 women with healthy pregnancies were admitted to the study and followed for three years. Women with a history of Gestational diabetes had more than twice the risk of developing cancer as women without such a history.
Type 2 Diabetes – Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Suitable for People With Diabetes?Researchers at Capital Medical University in Beijing, China, looked at one hundred and one people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and who had decided to undergo gastric bypass – Roux-en-Y. The aim was to discover which people with diabetes would benefit most from the procedure. Their results were reported on in the journal Obesity Surgery in February of 2019.
Type 2 Diabetes – Five Simple Dietary Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Blood SugarMaking changes to your diet can be hard, and it can be intimidating. You may not know where to start and all of the recommendations you find online can make things super confusing. The good news is improving your Type 2 diabetes can be done with just a handful of simple yet very effective dietary changes. Let us take the confusion out of which foods you should and should not enjoy by talking about five simple yet effective dietary changes you can make to improve your blood sugar levels.
Type 2 Diabetes – A Medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis Improves DiabetesMolecules involved in inflammation, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), have been implicated in Type 2 diabetes. The implication has led researchers at the Universities of L’Aquila and Catanzaro in Italy to wonder whether existing medications that lower interleukin-1 might be useful for treating Type 2 diabetes. Their study, reported on in February of 2019 in the journal Medicine (Baltimore) looked at people who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and who were being treated with anakinra, (Kinaret), a drug used to treat several inflammatory diseases.
Type 2 Diabetes – Are Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Diabetes and Obesity?While regular sugar is often the most talked about food to avoid when suffering from Type 2 diabetes, artificial sweeteners can be just as harmful. This type of sweetener is a sugar substitute, a food additive providing sweetness similar to the taste of sugar. Usually, an artificial sweetener contains much less food energy than sugar which means it is a low-calorie sweetener and may be derived through the manufacturing of plant extracts or processed by chemical synthesis.
Type 2 Diabetes – Four Reasons Why Adding Exercise to Your Daily Routine Can Improve Your DiabetesWe know adding exercise into our day-to-day life can make a huge difference in our overall health, but how can it impact our blood sugar levels? It has been found regular exercise can help us better control blood sugar and thus better manage Type 2 diabetes. Exercising can help support Type 2 diabetes for more than one reason. You can walk if that is all you are able to do but it is important because exercising gets the blood flowing. If you can’t walk, move your hands, fingers, toes, ankles, arms, and legs while you are sitting. By moving you are helping to make everything flow better in your body.