Type 2 Diabetes – Bone Formation in Pregnancy When Gestational Diabetes Is Diagnosed
According to a study performed at J.N. Medical College and Hospital and several other research facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India, Gestational diabetes could affect bone growth and development in mothers who have been diagnosed with diabetes during their pregnancy, and their infants. In January and February of 2017, the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism reported on a study comparing molecules involved in bone growth in women with and without Gestational diabetes. In adults, bones are constantly being torn down and regrown according to how much bone mass is needed in any given part of the body.
Type 2 Diabetes – The Top Ten Tips To Help Boost Your Insulin SensitivityLooking to improve your insulin sensitivity levels? If so, you need to pay attention to a few tips and tricks to help you get more from your nutrition plan and lifestyle. Insulin sensitivity is a key factor determining whether or not you are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, so it is not something to take lightly. Let us look at ten steps you can take to help you improve the way your body handles the carbohydrates you eat.
What If Diabetes Type 2 Is A Choice?So hands up if you want to have diabetes type 2! Am I mad, have I taken leave of my senses and do I think that you are mad? Maybe! 50 years ago medical science wasn’t sure what caused type 2 diabetes. Over time it appeared that obesity was the cause, because most sufferers were obese. As time went on it appeared that sugar was the problem and it became commonly known as sugar diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes – Research Shows Sugary Soft Drinks Are A Risk Factor for Gestational DiabetesSugar-sweetened soft drinks have long been a known risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes, so it should not come as a surprise to find they raise the risk of developing Gestational diabetes or diabetes of pregnancy, as well. In February of 2017, the journal Clinical Nutrition reported on a study relating to this subject from the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. The study taking place over three years included 172 new cases of Gestational diabetes in 3396 women. Mothers with the highest consumption of sugary soft drinks were more than twice as likely to develop diabetes during their pregnancy than those who drank few or no sugary beverages.
Type 2 Diabetes – If You Have Lost Weight In the Past You Can Do It Again!Losing as little as ten to fifteen pounds combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise can reduce the Type 2 diabetes risk by almost 60 percent. Being overweight is singularly the biggest risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. Simple and modest lifestyle changes pay off with big dividends. Spirits are high at the beginning of the weight loss journey. You feel motivated and ready for what is to come. You expect it to be challenging, but you know the effort will be worth it. You know the benefits you stand to gain are greater than the toil required to attain them. With this in mind, losing weight is an easy decision.
Type 2 Diabetes – Four Signs You Are Vulnerable to DiabetesThose believing the causes of Type 2 diabetes are not conclusive or are unknown are part of a minority. Compared to the past, we are well informed as to what is behind the alarming trend of the Type 2 diabetes epidemic. The causes and mechanisms behind prediabetes or diabetes are well understood. We even know how to prevent it to a significant degree. But we still see countless individuals around the world diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes each passing day. If you are an adult, you owe it to yourself to know if you are at risk.