Dexcom G6 Accuracies | Diabetes Daily Vlog 346

Type 2 Diabetes – Will Motivation or Purpose Help You Reverse Diabetes?

If your health and well-being are a priority right now, then you are going to do whatever is necessary to take control: lower your blood sugar levels, ensure weight loss and reversal of Type 2 diabetes. Sadly, many people are passive in regards to their health. Intervention at any time other than at the last minute is rare, and even then there might not always be a dedicated effort. Diseases like obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and any condition with a cardiovascular component, are common nowadays. You cannot afford to take your health for granted, especially since you become more exposed as you age. You are not going to be fully healthy forever but you can influence your future well-being.

Type 2 Diabetes – Heart Function in the Fetus When the Mother Has Gestational Diabetes

Gestational or pregnancy-induced diabetes is a health problem for both mothers and their children. In March of 2017, the medical journal Pediatric Cardiology reported on a study on fetal heart function in Gestational diabetic mothers. Earlier studies have shown heart abnormalities during the third trimester or last three months of the pregnancy. Researchers at Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, found abnormalities during the second trimester, or middle three months.

Type 2 Diabetes – A Prediabetes Diagnosis Presents A Chance To Change or Improve

Did you know being diagnosed with prediabetes is good news? Well, at least if you consider yourself the type of person who sees a glass as half full. While prediabetes tends to catch many people off guard, it is in reality, a warning of what is to come if no action is taken to be tested regularly to be sure you have your levels back in check. And by realizing a prediabetes diagnosis has this silver lining, you can act to prevent the problems that go hand-in-hand with a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Your blood sugar levels are not quite high enough to give you a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, but it means you are on your way unless you intervene now.

Type 2 Diabetes – Is Poor Sleep Quality Associated With the Dawn Phenomenon?

Healthy people normally have higher levels of cortisol in their body in the early morning hours between 0200 and 0800. Blood sugar levels rise at that time, preparing the body for waking and using more energy. People with Type 2 diabetes sometimes develop a condition called the “dawn phenomenon,” in which blood sugar levels reach uncontrolled levels. Circadian rhythm tells our bodies when to sleep or wake. It is sometimes referred to as the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. It is mostly controlled by our genes, although environmental changes in light can trigger changes (jet lag).

Type 2 Diabetes – Prevent Sleepless Nights Bringing On Insulin Resistance and Weight Gain

If there is one thing critical to achieving optimal health, sleep is it. Sadly, many people spend hours tossing and turning, not getting the quality rest they need. This becomes problematic as not only does it impede your energy levels the next day, but it can also contribute to insulin resistance and set you up for Type 2 diabetes or even worsening your diabetic condition. And sleep deprivation can put on the pounds. For many people, the key to better weight control lies in a good night’s sleep.

Type 2 Diabetes – Getting Back on Track After Dealing With a Setback

We are going to assume you are currently trying to better your health. It could be through weight loss, healthy eating, blood sugar management, or it could be along the lines of disease prevention. No matter your objective, it is likely you are going to lapse. You are going to err, fall off track, digress, or anything else along those lines. And that is okay. It is normal; it happens to most of us. Progress is not linear, so it would be unrealistic to expect otherwise. What matters is not whether you make mistakes or not. Rather, it is how you react to a lapse and more importantly, how you recover from it.

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