Flying with Type 1 Diabetes | Diabetes Daily Vlog 437

Type 2 Diabetes – Can A Diabetic Control Their Blood Sugar When Following A Vegan Eating Plan?

As you go about choosing an eating plan to follow; one you may come across and consider to follow is a vegan or vegetarian approach. If you feel strongly about not harming animals with your food consumption, chances are these two choices will be high on your list to try out. But, can you stay healthy following a vegan approach and still maintain favorable blood sugar levels? Whichever eating plan you chose to follow it needs to be looked at with a view to attaining and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Type 2 Diabetes – Carbon Dioxide Laser Shows Promise in Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Diabetic foot ulcers are a serious complication of Type 2 diabetes and are related to the high levels of blood sugar sustained over time. These particular diabetic ulcers consist of open sores on the feet. If not prevented or treated early they can infect the bone, requiring intravenous antibiotics or even amputation. Worldwide 300 million people are expected to develop diabetic foot ulcer by the year 2025. By 2031 the number is projected to rise to 360 million, or 5 percent of the world’s population, according to the National Institutes of Health in the United States. As stated by the American Podiatric Medical Association, diabetic foot ulcers occur in about 15 percent of people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and usually develop on the bottom surface of the foot. About 6 percent of diabetics with the condition require hospitalization. In the United States.

Type 2 Diabetes – The Greatest Wealth Is Your Health and No Diabetes

Life offers many different pursuits. Money, relationships, status, and recognition are perhaps the most common. Each and every one of us can relate in some way. Unfortunately, we often overlook the greatest and most rewarding pursuit, which is improving and maintaining our health. It is by far the most important component of a “good life” because so much depends on our well-being.

Type 2 Diabetes – Recording Your Food Intake and Activity Level

If you have considered monitoring your caloric intake and activity level, it means you are on the right track. There are benefits to recording your food intake and activity level, particularly if you would like to lose weight. It should also help you with other goals, such as reducing your blood sugar. Tracking your food intake is no easy task. It is something you need to do meticulously if you are to do it at all. It is also the best way to know if you have been underestimating your intake.

Type 2 Diabetes – Is Chronic Inflammation The Link to Developing Diabetes?

Chronic inflammation has long been associated with Type 2 diabetes. According to scientists at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Tokushima, Japan, inflammation throughout the whole body is linked with Type 2 diabetes in people without any diabetic relatives.

Type 2 Diabetes – Your Health Is What You Make Of It

You may feel you do not need any more reminders about your health. But your well-being is important, and it is imperative to be in good health as you age. If you are part of a group dealing with obesity or Type 2 diabetes, it probably means you have been neglecting these important reminders. Maybe you have been taking your health for granted – which is enough to increase your risk of developing these diseases. But let us not get off to a bad start. On a brighter note, you have to focus on what you can control. Regarding your well-being, there is much you can do, so it is not a question of what is possible. Rather, it is how willing you are to keep your health in good standing, no matter what.

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