Traveling With Diabetes Vlog

Type 2 Diabetes – Having PreEclampsia Raises the Risk of Developing Gestational Diabetes

For more than a decade preeclampsia and Gestational diabetes which is also known as diabetes of pregnancy, have been diagnosed together in sufficient numbers of women to make scientists suspect a relationship exists between the two. Preeclampsia is a condition in which pregnant women develop high blood pressure, and lose protein in their urine. Often they suffer swelling in their ankles, feet, and hands, as well as having abnormally sensitive reflexes. If not dealt with, the condition can progress on to eclampsia, or convulsions, endangering the lives of both the mother and child.

Type 2 Diabetes – Will Changing the Way You Think About Food Help You To Lower Blood Sugar?

Are you struggling with weight loss? Trying to reverse Type 2 diabetes? Your relationship with food is pivotal: for better or worse it is going to impact your results. It is in your best interest to ensure the way you eat facilitates your efforts and helps you reach your objectives. First, you must change the way you think about food. Only then will you be able to make consistent progress with weight loss. Being careful with your food choices is a must if you are to successfully treat your Type 2 diabetes because much depends on the way you eat.

Type 2 Diabetes – Never Stop Working on Your Health

You may think if you put work in on your health today, you will save yourself from a lot of stress and anxiety later in life. Putting a stop to health problems now is not only prudent; it is ideal. It is true prevention is more important than treatment. With that said, do not let these thoughts lead you to believe you will not have to work on your health in the future because that would be a mistake. The work is never complete. There will always be something you should be doing or could integrate into your lifestyle for improved health. It may not always be hard, but we can assure you it will not always be easy.

Type 2 Diabetes – Who Should Be Screened for Diabetic Retinopathy?

Blindness was once a serious complication of diabetes, but regular visits to eye specialists together with proper medical treatment have made it much less common. Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of Type 2 diabetes, and the risk of developing this complication increases with the length of time one has Type 2 diabetes, and by the level of control one has of their blood sugar. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy is essential for the preservation of vision. All people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes must be screened at intervals, but what about those with newly-diagnosed diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes – Eating White Rice May Increase Your Risk of Developing Diabetes

There are many foods you should avoid. If we were to create a list, it would be endless. Much of it comes down to opinion anyway, so it can be difficult to find a source you can trust. You will also have your preferences that must be considered as well. However, it all becomes clear when facts become involved. It is hard to argue with evidence, especially when it is strongly conclusive. There are particular foods worse than others that deserve a notable mention. White rice is at the top of the list for several reasons.

Type 2 Diabetes – A Simple Urine Test To Help Predict Diabetes

A definitive diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes is made by measuring an individual’s fasting blood sugar and HbA1c levels. Both these tests require blood sampling. Many people would much prefer a urine sample to be used to predict who needed to have further testing of their blood sugar and stability levels? According to scientists at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine and several other Japanese research centers, testing the urine pH may be a practical way to predict which particular people are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

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